Articles of Possibility

Holographic Provocation

Articles of Possibility

holographic spherical image constructed on bright lines

This is the conversation we are inviting you to join; where everything is connected, where we allow ourselves to be philosophical, where we listen to every contribution with equal attention.

pebbles, the top one is painted to show dandelion seeds blwing away against a blue sky

Being and Possibility, while it may sound a bit highbrow, abstract, or far removed from everday experience, can become a touchstone for living a life that both feels free and contributes to friends, family, colleagues and beyond.


neon text on a grey background 'embrace the uncertainty of the possible'

A provocation and an invitation to dialogue

MAP Talk - Mutuality, Authenticity, Presence

A conversation during the COVID-19 lockdown.

it moves from stress, through anger and confusion, to hope and possibility.

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